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Can an input of type select be done with an option that does not go sweep a list?

an option can be just an object instead of a list of objects?

in the documentation each sweeps a list but I would like to retrieve a single object

<select th:field="*{type}">
  <option th:each="type : ${allTypes}" 
          th:text="#{${'seedstarter.type.' + type}}">Wireframe</option>

is possible do somethint like

  <option th:each="${Types}"


  • The Standard Dialect in thymeleaf offers Using th:each. Its the Iteration basics.

    “for each element in the result of evaluating ${allTypes}, repeat this fragment of template setting that element into a variable called type”.

    Dropdown Selector usually is for a list of options to be displayed.

    You simply cant do th:each="${Types}", as you need to declare a variable to access the iterated variable