I'm working to build a data architecture for my company. A simple ETL with internal and external data with the aim to build static dashboard and other to search trend.
I try to think about every step of the ETL process one by one and now I'm questioning about the Load part.
I plan to use Spark (LocalExcecutor on dev and a service on Azure for production) so I started to think about using Parquet into a Blob service. I know all the advantage of Parquet over CSV or other storage format and I really love this piece of technology. Most of the articles I read about Spark finish with a df.write.parquet(...)
But I cannot figure it out why can I just start a Postgres and save everything here. I understand that we are not producing 100Go per day of data but I want to build something future proof in a fast growing company that gonna produce exponentially data by the business and by the logs and metrics we start recording more and more.
Any pros/cons by more experienced dev ?
EDIT : What also make me questioning this is this tweet : https://twitter.com/markmadsen/status/1044360179213651968
The main trade-off is one of cost and transactional semantics.
Using a DBMS means you can load data transactionally. You also pay for both storage and compute on an on-going basis. The storage costs for the same amount of data are going to be more expensive in a managed DBMS vs a blob store.
It is also harder to scale out processing on a DBMS (it appears the largest size Postgres server Azure offers has 64 vcpus). By storing data into an RDBMs you are likely going to run-up against IO or compute bottlenecks more quickly then you would with Spark + blob storage. However, for many datasets this might not be an issue and as the tweet points out if you can accomplish everything inside a the DB with SQL then it is a much simpler architecture.
If you store Parquet files on a blob-store, updating existing data is difficult without regenerating a large segment of your data (and I don't know the details of Azure but generally can't be done transactionally). The compute costs are separate from the storage costs.