I have arabic sentence like this stentence
أكل الولد التفاحة
how can i split the sentence based on UNCONNECTED characters to be like this :
أ- كل
ا- لو- لد
ا- لتفا- حة
I put - to explain what i mean. I just need to split the text into array based on that
How can i do that using swift code for ios ?
Update: I dont care for the spaces. "أكل" for example is one word and doesn't contain spaces.I want to split based on UNCONNECTED characters. So "أكل" consist from two objects : "أ" and "كل"
الولد : three objects "ا" and "لو" and "لد"
Use the below code:
let a = "أكل الولد التفاحة".split(separator: " ")