For the @version
tag in javadoc, I use the same value as in BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME
. I would like to inject that value, instead of changing every file for each release.
I tried:
* @version {@value BuildConfig#VERSION_NAME}
* @version @versionName
(and add -tag versionName:a:"2.2.2"
but none of these works.
I could run sed
just before the doc gets generated, but I would rather prefer something 'officially' supported.
Any ideas how to solve this?
For the second form, you can put your custom tag at the beginning of a javadoc line.
* This is a class of Foo<br/>
* @version
* @configVersion.
Then use command javadoc -version -tag configVersion.:a:"2.2.2"
to generate your javadoc, the custom tag should be handled in this way. Note the last dot(.
) character in custom tag name, as the command javadoc
Note: Custom tags that could override future standard tags: @configVersion. To avoid potential overrides, use at least one period character (.) in custom tag names.