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How to assign different colors to polyline segments in Leaflet R

I have a dataset with lat long coordinates. Each coordinate belongs to a group and I want to connect them with polylines using leaflet. I am trying to give different colors to different line segments. I am fairly new to leaflet, so I don't know if I'm approaching this problem the right way.

I have tried the solution provided here, but I only get a single color as a result.

I have simulated a dataset to illustrate my problem:

#Example dataframe
lat <- runif(10,-10.8544921875,2.021484375)
long <- runif(10,49.82380908513249,59.478568831926395)
group <- factor(c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,1,1,1))
header <- c("lat", "long", "group")
df <- data.frame(lat, long, group)
colnames(df) <- header

I have tried the following:

#Color palette
pal <- colorFactor(palette = c('navy', 'red'), 
              levels = levels(df$group))

leaflet(df) %>%
  addTiles() %>% 
  addPolylines(lng = ~as.numeric(df$long),
               lat = ~as.numeric(df$lat), stroke = pal(df$group), 
               opacity = 0.1)

I want that the polyline between points that belong to group 1 and 2 shows red, and the rest just blue (or any combination of 2 colors, for that matter). However, I get back only one color. Opacity doesn't seem to match either (I have defined an opacity of 0.1 but the value of resulting polyline has certainly a value of 1).

Can anyone give me some pointers as to what I'm doing wrong?

Also, (with the larger dataset) I notice that once I add colors to the polylines of my dataset, the process becomes computationally very intensive. Can anyone give me guidelines to optimize the process?

Any help is very much appreciated. Thank you in advance!!


  • You mentioned performance was an issue, for which I recommend using mapdeck to do the plotting

    In this example I'm plotting 100,000 lines, coloured by a group variable.

    Setting up the data

    For the data I'm putting the origin & destination coordinates in the same row. And using data.table to make it.

    lons <- seq(-180, 180, by = 0.0001)
    lats <- seq(-90, 90,by = 0.0001)
    n <- 1e5
    dt <- data.table(
      lon = sample(lons, size = n)
      , lat = sample(lats, size = n)
      , group = sample(c(1,2), replace = T, size = n)
      , `:=`(
        lon_to = shift(lon, type = "lead")
        , lat_to = shift(lat, type = "lead")


    You need a Mapbox API key for the underlying base map

    Use the add_line() function to create a coloured line between a given origin & destination

    mapdeck() %>%
            data = dt
            , origin = c("lon","lat")
            , destination = c("lon_to", "lat_to")
            , stroke_colour = "group"

    enter image description here

    It's a mess because I've just sampled random points, but you get the idea.