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Is there any better way to pass function to props with LitElement?

I'm using polymer LitElement and i tried to pass a function to props but did'nt work, this is the way i found to work, but its awfull... Any better suggestions?

import { LitElement, html, customElement, property } from 'lit-element';

export class MyElement extends LitElement {

onButtonClick = function name (){


  render() {
    return html`

      <c-button text="Button Name" onClick="${this.onButtonClick}" />

export class CButton extends LitElement{

  @property() text;
  @property() onClick;

    let fct = eval(`( ${this.onClick} )` )

    return html`

      <button @click="${this.handleClick}" > ${this.text} </button> 


  • By default lit-html data bindings set an attribute which means it'll have to convert the value to a string.

    Instead of onClick="${this.onButtonClick}" prefix it with . like this .onClick="${this.onButtonClick}". That will set a property in JavaScript instead and the method will be passed by reference.