I have an interface:
public interface IA<T>
T fce1(float[] data);
byte[] fce2(T arg);
and I have its implementation which specifies certain T (so the implementation do not need anything else):
public class A : IA<float>
public float fce1(float[] data)
return 1f;//data processing
public byte[] fce2(float arg)
return BitConverter.GetBytes(arg);//some kind of serialization
Class A is in a.dll and I want to get it and call the fce2(fce1()) (so there should be no uknown argument or type. I want to do something following:
var data = File.ReadAllBytes("a.dll")
var assembly = Assembly.Load(data);
var expTypes = assembly.GetExportedTypes();
foreach (var d in assembly.GetExportedTypes())
var obj = Activator.CreateInstance(d);
if (obj is IA)
var kernel = obj as IA;
The purpose is to run fce1 as one Task later and fce2 as a second Task when fce1 provides result (this is simplyfied situation).
I tried this with .NET 4.7
I know it could be done to return the object from fce1 and then cast inside fce2 the object to desired type and process it? But is this the only way? I want to avoid casting.
Using the dynamic type, the methods invocation could be made (only the first call takes a long time, then it is quite efficient.
float[] testingPacket = new float[6250000];
dynamic instance = null;
foreach (var d in assembly.GetExportedTypes())
instance = Activator.CreateInstance(d);
int L = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < L; ++i)
dynamic result1 = instance.fce1(testingPacket);
byte[] buffer = instance.fce2(result1) as byte[];
The higher the L is the duration period of the for cycle is closer to the duration of object casting and direct declaration using as IA. Thx.