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How to enable active learning for LUIS app - botvuilder SDK JavaScript V4

I am trying to enable the active learning for our LUIS app connected to a chatbot.

According to LUIS docs, I found out that we should add log=true to LUIS endpoint URL.

For that, the botbuilder SDK offers the LuisRecognizer class that allows us create a Luis Instance fort the bot.

I checked out the botbuilder SDK V4 for JavaScript and I did not find how the add log=true to the endpoint URL!

const dispatchRecognizer = new LuisRecognizer(
    applicationId: luisConfig.appId,
    endpointKey: luisConfig.subscriptionKey,
    endpoint: luisConfig.getEndpoint()
    staging: true
    includeAllIntents: true,
    includeInstanceData: true

Is there a wait to resolve the issue this or to pass the luis URL directly to the class constructor?



  • You can see here that it's part of LuisPredictionOptions:

    export interface LuisPredictionOptions extends LuisModels.PredictionResolveOptionalParams {
        bingSpellCheckSubscriptionKey?: string;
        includeAllIntents?: boolean;
        includeInstanceData?: boolean;
        log?: boolean; // SET TO TRUE
        spellCheck?: boolean;
        staging?: boolean;
        timezoneOffset?: number;
        telemetryClient?: BotTelemetryClient;
        logPersonalInformation?: boolean;

    You're already passing in LuisPredictionOptions, you just need to edit it so you're doing it like this:

    const dispatchRecognizer = new LuisRecognizer(
        applicationId: luisConfig.appId,
        endpointKey: luisConfig.subscriptionKey,
        endpoint: luisConfig.getEndpoint()
        log: true,
        staging: true
        includeAllIntents: true,
        includeInstanceData: true