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How to test screens which requires authorization? Espresso + MockWebServer

I am creating UI tests. In order not to interact with the real server, I use MockWebServer. My goal is to emulate various server responses and see how the program as a whole will respond to them. At the moment, I don’t understand how to open screens that require authorization. Of course, I can write a code that will login to the authorization screen, and then go to the desired window. But this requires additional time to complete the test, and I would like to avoid this. I would not want to mocking classes, because I need to check the production version of the application. How can i do this?

For DI, I use Dagger-2. Here is the component code:

@Component(modules = {
public interface AppComponent {
    interface Builder {
        Builder context(Context context);
        AppComponent build();

    void inject(App app);

Here is the class code in which the authorization state is stored:

public class ApiWrapper {
    private Api api;
    private KeyPair keyPair;
    private Account account; 


    public Flowable<Authorization> authorize(KeyPair tempKeyPair) {
        return api
                .doOnNext((authorization -> {
                    this.account = authorization.getAccount();
                    this.keyPair = tempKeyPair;


  • If anyone is still interested. I wrote an InstrumentationTestFacade class in which I put an ApiWrapper object using Dagger. Next, the InstrumentationTestFacade is injected into the Application object. Since the application object is not a singleton, there is no leak of responsibility in the main code, but from the test code you can access this facade using the following code:

    Application application = (Application) InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().getTargetContext().getApplicationContext();
    InstrumentationTestFacade facade = application.getInstrumentationTestFacade();

    Below is an example:

    public class InstrumentationTestFacade {
        private LogoutInteractor logoutInteractor;
        private SecurityInteractor securityInteractor;
        private ApiWrapper apiWrapper;
        public InstrumentationTestFacade(
                LogoutInteractor logoutInteractor,
                SecurityInteractor securityInteractor,
                ApiWrapper apiWrapper
        ) {
            this.logoutInteractor = logoutInteractor;
            this.securityInteractor = securityInteractor;
            this.apiWrapper = apiWrapper;
        public void logout() {
        public ApiWrapper getApiWrapper() {
            return apiWrapper;
        public SecurityInteractor getSecurityInteractor() {
            return this.securityInteractor;
    public class Application extends MultiDexApplication implements HasActivityInjector, HasServiceInjector {
        InstrumentationTestFacade instrumentationTestFacade;
        public void onCreate() {
        public InstrumentationTestFacade getInstrumentationTestFacade() {
            return instrumentationTestFacade;