I'm very new to NSIS, and I'm trying to get a date, hour, minutes, etc. from the given timestamp.
Is it any way to do that?
Thank you in advance for any answers...
!include LogicLib.nsh
StrCpy $0 1568807339 ; UNIX time
System::Int64Op $0 * 10000000
System::Int64Op 116444736000000000 + ; support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/167296/how-to-convert-a-unix-time-t-to-a-win32-filetime-or-systemtime
System::Call 'KERNEL32::FileTimeToLocalFileTime(*ls,*l.s)' ; This line is optional, comment it out if you want to keep it UTC
System::Call 'KERNEL32::FileTimeToSystemTime(*ls,@r0)i.r1' ; NSIS v3+
${If} $1 <> 0
System::Call '*$0(&i2.r1,&i2.r2,&i2,&i2.r3,&i2.r4,&i2.r5,&i2.r6)'
IntFmt $2 "%.2d" $2
IntFmt $3 "%.2d" $3
IntFmt $4 "%.2d" $4
IntFmt $5 "%.2d" $5
IntFmt $6 "%.2d" $6
DetailPrint "$1/$2/$3 $4:$5:$6"
System::Call 'KERNEL32::GetDateFormat(i0x0400,i0,pr0,p0,t.r1,i666)'
System::Call 'KERNEL32::GetTimeFormat(i0x0400,i0,pr0,p0,t.r2,i666)'
DetailPrint "$1 $2"