I want to implement a router guard based on the value in the store.if the user login to the application I want to get that user's role and activate the certain routes my submodule route.
I will post my current implementation but that didn't work at all
p.s I'm not using angular router store
canActivate(): {
return this.store.pipe(select(selectUser)).pipe(
map((user) => {
const userObj: any = user
if (userObj.userRole === "Admin") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
I would try it like that:
private user$: Observable<any>;
private store: Store<{ user: string }>,
private router: Router
) {
this.user$ = store.pipe(select('user'));
canActivate(): {
return this.user$.pipe(
tap((user) => console.log(user)), // Just to test if user do have a value
map((user: any) => (user.userRole === "Admin") ? true : this.router.parseUrl('/home'))