I have a .ms
file type with the symbols ✖ and ✔ that I want to use.
Once I evaluate this file those characters appear correctly like so:
but not after encrypting the file to .mse
, they then appear as a question marks like so:
Here's a snippet of code in it's raw .ms
form. You will need to run this following piece of code to encrypt it. encryptScript @"path\to\file.ms" version:1
/* This file is saved with encoding UTF-8
and the 2 special characters show fine.
But when I 'encryptScript @"path\to\file.ms" version:1' they don't display correctly. */
rollout testRol "Test"
button ui_btn_test "✔"
label ui_lbl_test "✖"
createDialog testRol
You can escape them like this:
button ui_btn_test "\x2714"
label ui_lbl_test "\x2716"