I am trying to generate a Django model that can handle multiple values in a single field. As such, when the first field is queried through a view, a user should select a value for the second field through a select box.
To give a background of the problem, my seeding fixture looks like this...
"county": "countyname",
"name": "placename",
"name": "placename",
"name": "placename",
"name": "placename",
"name": "placename"
In the above scenario, location is the intended name of my model. Now, through a form, I want a user to be presented with 'countynames'. Upon selecting a countyname, the user should be presented with 'placenames' in the selected county for them to choose.
I have tried the following format for the model...
class Location(models.Model):
county = models.CharField(max_length=100)
places = models.CharField(max_length=100, choices=places.name)
def __str__(self):
return self.countyname
Now, I know that the error that is thrown, ('places' is not defined), is warranted. I was asking whether there is a way to define it (places), as it is in the fixture, or if anyone has a better implementation for such a model... any alternative way is welcome and appreciated as I can't think of anything at this point.
So, after fiddling with two models and foreign keys as suggested in the comments above, I decided to amend the model, which also led to changing the fixture. I read about ArrayFields in Postgres + Django here. I amended the field 'places' to be an ArrayField as shown:
from django.contrib.postgres.fields import ArrayField
class Location(models.Model):
county = models.CharField(max_length=100)
places = ArrayField(models.CharField(max_length=100), blank=True)
def __str__(self):
return self.county
Next, it was just a matter of changing the JSON fixture to:
"county": "countyname",
After running python manage.py loaddata fixturename.json
it worked and the DB was seeded!