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Change x and y position of a QLineEdit

I would like to change the position of the lineEdit (or even a PushButton if it's not possible with the lineEdit) from my Qt application, according to the input given. So let's say that I want the x position to be 150 pixels, then I would insert 150 into the lineEdit. Is there any way to do this?

I've already tried this:

void DrawTest::on_lineEdit_returnPressed()
    QString x = ui->lineEdit->text();
    qDebug() << "x: " << x;
    QString style = "QLineEdit {"
                    ":" +ui->lineEdit->text()+ "px;"
                    "background-color: #FF00FF;"
    qDebug() << "Style: " << style;


  • It depends on how the QLineEdit is initially positioned. Is it placed within a layout? If so, you won't be able to place it at an absolute position.

    But if it does not belong to any layout, you can just use the move method:

    ui->lineEdit->move(x, y);

    Here's the docs.