I am new to NGXS
and while testing I am getting error in all test cases.
I am getting data from store:
somedata: Idetail
this.someData = this.store.selectSnapshot(State.details).
this.data = this.someData.DATA;
But I am getting error on every single test case:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'DATA' of null
You have to mock the store to use it inside Tests.
beforeEach(async(() => {
declarations: [MyComponent]
imports: [NgxsModule.forRoot([])] // import real module without state
const store:Store = TestBed.get(Store);
spyOn(store, 'select').and.returnValue(of(null)); // be sure to mock the implementation here
spyOn(store, 'selectSnapshot').and.returnValue(null); // same here