My problem is:
Livolo switches have their own Zigbee gate. I want to connect them from zigbee2mqtt with CC2531 USB dongle. In general it works, but when I turn on/off switch button (on physical device), the switch sends an incorrect ZCL package.
I'm an absolutely newbie in microcontrollers programming and in Zigbee architecture. So I hope someone can help me and answer these questions:
I use Z-STACK-HOME 1.2.2a firmware and compile it as described there:
// Malformed ZCL package // header 0x7c, // [0111 1100] // 01 - frame type = "Command is specific or local to a cluster" // 1 - manufacturer spec = manufacturer code present // 1 - direction = "from server to client" // 1 - disable default response // 100 - reserved 0xd2, 0x15, // manufacturer 0xd8, // sequence 0x00, // read attrs command // endpoint adress 0x12, 0x0f, 0x05, 0x18, 0x00, 0x4b, 0x12, 0x00, 0x22, 0x00, // ????? need more data from another switches 0x03 // 0x00|0x01|0x02|0x03 - switch state
upd: I think, what I can intercept message in AF.c file in afIncomingData function and fix in afBuildMSGIncoming.
So now I hope, someone can help me with the right message format. Which can be processed standard ZCL parcer.
void afIncomingData( aps_FrameFormat_t *aff, zAddrType_t *SrcAddress, uint16 SrcPanId,
NLDE_Signal_t *sig, uint8 nwkSeqNum, uint8 SecurityUse,
uint32 timestamp, uint8 radius )
endPointDesc_t *epDesc = NULL;
epList_t *pList = epList;
#if !defined ( APS_NO_GROUPS )
if ( ((aff->FrmCtrl & APS_DELIVERYMODE_MASK) == APS_FC_DM_GROUP) )
#if !defined ( APS_NO_GROUPS )
// Find the first endpoint for this group
grpEp = aps_FindGroupForEndpoint( aff->GroupID, APS_GROUPS_FIND_FIRST );
if ( grpEp == APS_GROUPS_EP_NOT_FOUND ) {
// No endpoint found, default to endpoint 1.
// In the original source code there is a return here.
// This prevent the messags from being forwarded.
// For our use-case we want to capture all messages.
// Even if the coordinator is not in the group.
epDesc = afFindEndPointDesc( 1 );
else {
epDesc = afFindEndPointDesc( grpEp );
if ( epDesc == NULL )
return; // Endpoint descriptor not found
pList = afFindEndPointDescList( epDesc->endPoint );
return; // Not supported
else if ( aff->DstEndPoint == AF_BROADCAST_ENDPOINT )
// Set the list
if ( pList != NULL )
epDesc = pList->epDesc;
else if ( aff->DstEndPoint == 10 || aff->DstEndPoint == 11 ) {
if ( (epDesc = afFindEndPointDesc( 1 )) )
pList = afFindEndPointDescList( epDesc->endPoint );
else if ( (epDesc = afFindEndPointDesc( aff->DstEndPoint )) )
pList = afFindEndPointDescList( epDesc->endPoint );
while ( epDesc )
uint16 epProfileID = 0xFFFE; // Invalid Profile ID
if ( pList->pfnDescCB )
uint16 *pID = (uint16 *)(pList->pfnDescCB(
AF_DESCRIPTOR_PROFILE_ID, epDesc->endPoint ));
if ( pID )
epProfileID = *pID;
osal_mem_free( pID );
else if ( epDesc->simpleDesc )
epProfileID = epDesc->simpleDesc->AppProfId;
// First part of verification is to make sure that:
// the local Endpoint ProfileID matches the received ProfileID OR
// the message is specifically send to ZDO (this excludes the broadcast endpoint) OR
// if the Wildcard ProfileID is received the message should not be sent to ZDO endpoint
if ( (aff->ProfileID == epProfileID) ||
((epDesc->endPoint == ZDO_EP) && (aff->ProfileID == ZDO_PROFILE_ID)) ||
((epDesc->endPoint != ZDO_EP) && ( aff->ProfileID == ZDO_WILDCARD_PROFILE_ID )) )
// Save original endpoint
uint8 endpoint = aff->DstEndPoint;
// overwrite with descriptor's endpoint
aff->DstEndPoint = epDesc->endPoint;
afBuildMSGIncoming( aff, epDesc, SrcAddress, SrcPanId, sig,
nwkSeqNum, SecurityUse, timestamp, radius );
// Restore with original endpoint
aff->DstEndPoint = endpoint;
if ( ((aff->FrmCtrl & APS_DELIVERYMODE_MASK) == APS_FC_DM_GROUP) )
#if !defined ( APS_NO_GROUPS )
// Find the next endpoint for this group
grpEp = aps_FindGroupForEndpoint( aff->GroupID, grpEp );
return; // No endpoint found
epDesc = afFindEndPointDesc( grpEp );
if ( epDesc == NULL )
return; // Endpoint descriptor not found
pList = afFindEndPointDescList( epDesc->endPoint );
else if ( aff->DstEndPoint == AF_BROADCAST_ENDPOINT )
pList = pList->nextDesc;
if ( pList )
epDesc = pList->epDesc;
epDesc = NULL;
epDesc = NULL;
static void afBuildMSGIncoming( aps_FrameFormat_t *aff, endPointDesc_t *epDesc,
zAddrType_t *SrcAddress, uint16 SrcPanId, NLDE_Signal_t *sig,
uint8 nwkSeqNum, uint8 SecurityUse, uint32 timestamp, uint8 radius )
afIncomingMSGPacket_t *MSGpkt;
const uint8 len = sizeof( afIncomingMSGPacket_t ) + aff->asduLength;
uint8 *asdu = aff->asdu;
MSGpkt = (afIncomingMSGPacket_t *)osal_msg_allocate( len );
if ( MSGpkt == NULL )
MSGpkt->hdr.event = AF_INCOMING_MSG_CMD;
MSGpkt->groupId = aff->GroupID;
MSGpkt->clusterId = aff->ClusterID;
afCopyAddress( &MSGpkt->srcAddr, SrcAddress );
MSGpkt->srcAddr.endPoint = aff->SrcEndPoint;
MSGpkt->endPoint = epDesc->endPoint;
MSGpkt->wasBroadcast = aff->wasBroadcast;
MSGpkt->LinkQuality = sig->LinkQuality;
MSGpkt->correlation = sig->correlation;
MSGpkt->rssi = sig->rssi;
MSGpkt->SecurityUse = SecurityUse;
MSGpkt->timestamp = timestamp;
MSGpkt->nwkSeqNum = nwkSeqNum;
MSGpkt->macSrcAddr = aff->macSrcAddr;
MSGpkt->macDestAddr = aff->macDestAddr;
MSGpkt->srcAddr.panId = SrcPanId;
MSGpkt->cmd.TransSeqNumber = 0;
MSGpkt->cmd.DataLength = aff->asduLength;
MSGpkt->radius = radius;
if ( MSGpkt->cmd.DataLength )
MSGpkt->cmd.Data = (uint8 *)(MSGpkt + 1);
osal_memcpy( MSGpkt->cmd.Data, asdu, MSGpkt->cmd.DataLength );
MSGpkt->cmd.Data = NULL;
#if defined ( MT_AF_CB_FUNC )
// If ZDO or SAPI have registered for this endpoint, dont intercept it here
if (AFCB_CHECK(CB_ID_AF_DATA_IND, *(epDesc->task_id)))
MT_AfIncomingMsg( (void *)MSGpkt );
// Release the memory.
osal_msg_deallocate( (void *)MSGpkt );
// Send message through task message.
osal_msg_send( *(epDesc->task_id), (uint8 *)MSGpkt );
In AF.c file in functions afIncomingData and afBuildMSGIncoming added bloks marked by
#if defined ( LIVOLO_SUPPORT )
In afIncomingData I add:
#if defined ( LIVOLO_SUPPORT )
else if ( aff->DstEndPoint == 0x08 )
if ( (epDesc = afFindEndPointDesc( 1 )) )
pList = afFindEndPointDescList( epDesc->endPoint );
It's prewent filtering message sended to unknown destEndpoint
And in afBuildMSGIncoming function:
#if defined ( LIVOLO_SUPPORT )
uint8 fixedPackage[] = {
0x18, 0xd8, 0x01, // header
0x00, 0x00, // attrId
0x00, // success
0x10, // boolean
if (aff->SrcEndPoint == 0x06 && aff->DstEndPoint == 0x01
&& aff->ClusterID == 0x0001 && aff->ProfileID == 0x0104) {
const uint8 mlfrmdHdr[] = { 0x7c, 0xd2, 0x15, 0xd8, 0x00 };
if (osal_memcmp(asdu, mlfrmdHdr, 5) == TRUE) {
fixedPackage[7] = asdu[aff->asduLength - 1];
MSGpkt->cmd.DataLength = 8; // sizeof(fixedPackage)
MSGpkt->clusterId = 0x06; // genOnOff
asdu = fixedPackage;
It change unsupported package to readAttrResp package.