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How do I display Inline images and Attachments from Gmail API in HTML -- Last part of the puzzle

I have a 'message' object, the response from the Gmail API, in my frontend and adapting this very useful Javascript gist I've parsed the message as well.

function indexHeaders(headers) {
        if (!headers) {
          return {};
        } else {
          return headers.reduce(function (result, header) {
            result[] = header.value;
            return result;
          }, {});

function urlB64Decode(string) {
  encodedBody = string 
  encodedBody = encodedBody.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/').replace(/\s/g, '');
  return decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob(encodedBody)));

function parseMessage(response) {
  var result = {
    threadId: response.threadId,
    labelIds: response.labelIds,
    snippet: response.snippet,
    historyId: response.historyId
  if (response.internalDate) {
    result.internalDate = parseInt(response.internalDate);

  var payload = response.payload;
  if (!payload) {
    return result;

  var headers = indexHeaders(payload.headers);
  result.headers = headers;

  var parts = [payload];
  var firstPartProcessed = false;

  while (parts.length !== 0) {
    var part = parts.shift();
    if ( {
      parts = parts.concat(;
    if (firstPartProcessed) {
      headers = indexHeaders(part.headers);

    if (!part.body) {

    var isHtml = part.mimeType && part.mimeType.indexOf('text/html') !== -1;
    var isPlain = part.mimeType && part.mimeType.indexOf('text/plain') !== -1;
    var isAttachment = headers['content-disposition'] && headers['content-disposition'].indexOf('attachment') !== -1;
    var isInline = headers['content-disposition'] && headers['content-disposition'].indexOf('inline') !== -1;

    if (isHtml && !isAttachment) {
      result.textHtml = urlB64Decode(;
    } else if (isPlain && !isAttachment) {
      result.textPlain = urlB64Decode(;
    } else if (isAttachment) {
      var body = part.body;
      if(!result.attachments) {
        result.attachments = [];
        filename: part.filename,
        mimeType: part.mimeType,
        size: body.size,
        attachmentId: body.attachmentId,
        headers: indexHeaders(part.headers)
    } else if (isInline) {
    var body = part.body;
    if(!result.inline) {
      result.inline = [];
      filename: part.filename,
      mimeType: part.mimeType,
      size: body.size,
      attachmentId: body.attachmentId,
      headers: indexHeaders(part.headers)

    firstPartProcessed = true;

  return result;

So, after parsing the response, it's now in this format:

  //   id: '{MESSAGE_ID}',
  //   threadId: '{THREAD_ID}',
  //   labelIds: [ 'SENT', 'INBOX', 'UNREAD' ],
  //   snippet: 'This is one cool message, buddy.',
  //   historyId: '701725',
  //   internalDate: 1451995756000,
  //   attachments: [{ 
  //     filename: 'example.jpg',
  //     mimeType: 'image/jpeg',
  //     size: 100446,
  //     attachmentId: '{ATTACHMENT_ID}',
  //     headers: {
  //       'content-type': 'image/jpeg; name="example.jpg"',
  //       'content-description': 'example.jpg',
  //       'content-transfer-encoding': 'base64',
  //       'content-id': '...',
  //       ...
  //     }
  //   }],
  //   inline: [{ 
  //     filename: 'example.png',
  //     mimeType: 'image/png',
  //     size: 5551,
  //     attachmentId: '{ATTACHMENT_ID}',
  //     headers: {
  //       'content-type': 'image/jpeg; name="example.png"',
  //       'content-description': 'example.png',
  //       'content-transfer-encoding': 'base64',
  //       'content-id': '...',
  //       ...
  //     }
  //   }],
  //   headers: {
  //     subject: 'Example subject',
  //     from: 'Example Name <[email protected]>',
  //     to: '<[email protected]>, Foo Bar <[email protected]>',
  //     ...
  //   },
  //   textPlain: '<div dir="ltr">hey! 😅<div><br></div><div><div><img src="cid:ii_k0l2i10d0" alt="Image_Name 2019-09-11 at 20.47.16.jpeg" width="452" height="339"><br></div></div></div>',
  //   textHtml: '<div dir="ltr">hey! 😅<div><br></div><div><div><img src="cid:ii_k0l2i10d0" alt="Image_Name 2019-09-11 at 20.47.16.jpeg" width="452" height="339"><br></div></div></div>'
  // }

I'm having difficulty rendering the actual inline image / attachment in html though. If I use the 'textHtml' that comes through in the parsedMessage, it renders as something like <img src='cid:ii_k0l2i10d0'> in the html, which doesn't display the image.

This Stackoverflow answer was helpful but I need help with the last part. I have the attachmentID now. It says "Get the attachment from the Gmail API and replace the cid with the base64-data" which is the part I'm struggling with. How do I do that? -- Do I have to make another call to the Gmail API for this? Or am I going wrong somewhere in the decoding?

Thanks so much for any help!


  • I finally got it working -- so the answer is, yes, I did have to make another call to the API to get the attachments data. That returns an attachment resource that looks like this:

      "attachmentId": string,
      "size": integer,
      "data": bytes

    Once I get the response:

    // construct the new src with the data from the response 
    newSrc = "data:" + "image/jpeg" + ";" + "base64" + "," +, `+`).replace(/_/g, `/`)
    // replace the src of the image with the new src 