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iOS13 White Color issue with textColor of UIKit

Before iOS13 application Layout working as excepted. After latest dark theme and light theme update by apple in iOS13.1, Their is so, many issue facing in existing application. Like UITextField placeHolder with whiteColor which are previously blackColor, UIDatePicker textColor with whiteColor which are previously blackColor.

Can anyone help me with below DatePicker text color issue. which are invisible because whiteColor, TextColor should be blackColor.

enter image description here

Any help appreciated. Thank you.


  • Swift 5 with iOS 13

    Common solution which is work for my whole application without perform any file specific changes.

    Work for Xcode 11 or higher version, Build upload fail on prior version of Xcode 11.

    Set UIUserInterfaceStyle to 1 in your info.plist file.

    enter image description here



        if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
            window?.overrideUserInterfaceStyle = .light
        } else {
            // Fallback on earlier versions

    We have to specify user interface style light for any existing application.