I would like to create a query to populate a table dynamically by querying the 3 databases that contain relevant information about their entry.
wp_gf_entry, wp_gf_entry_meta, and (ideally) with wp_posts
The query is working with wp_gf_entry and the wp_gf_entry_meta tables.
MAX(CASE WHEN t1.`meta_key` = '1.3' THEN t1.meta_value END) firstname,
MAX(CASE WHEN t1.`meta_key` = '1.6' THEN t1.meta_value END) lastname,
MAX(CASE WHEN t1.`meta_key` = '5.4' THEN t1.meta_value END) state,
MAX(CASE WHEN t1.`meta_key` LIKE '%45.%' THEN t1.meta_value END) division
`wp_gf_entry_meta` t1
LEFT JOIN `wp_gf_entry` t2
ON (
t1.`entry_id` = t2.`id`
t2.`form_id` = 71
AND t2.`is_read` = 1 AND t2.`status` = 'active'
AND t1.`meta_key` IN ('1.3', '1.6', '5.4', '45.1', '45.2', '45.3', '45.4', '45.5', '45.6')
GROUP BY t2.`id`
t1.`id` ASC,
t1.`entry_id` ASC
This works well, IF the entry has been 'read' and the entry hasn't been 'trashed'.
| id | firstname | lastname | state | division |
| 166 | Steve | Jobs | QLD | (null) |
| 253 | Bill | Clinton | NSW | (null) |
| 427 | Maria | McOldguy | VIC | Grand Master's (65 and over) |
| 447 | Some | Bloke | NSW | Master's (60-64) |
But this query still requires a human to interact with the website multiple times a day to process entries (marking them read) - because entries are still written to the database regardless of whether or not the entry has been successfully paid for.
This is where I would like to query the wp_posts table using the woocommerce_order_number key and value pair stored in the wp_gf_entry_meta row for each entry.
So modified the query to this to pull the woocommerce_order_number into the array and what I thought would be something that could be queried:
MAX(CASE WHEN t1.`meta_key` = 'woocommerce_order_number' THEN t1.meta_value END) wcID,
MAX(CASE WHEN t1.`meta_key` = '1.3' THEN t1.meta_value END) firstname,
MAX(CASE WHEN t1.`meta_key` = '1.6' THEN t1.meta_value END) lastname,
MAX(CASE WHEN t1.`meta_key` = '5.4' THEN t1.meta_value END) state,
MAX(CASE WHEN t1.`meta_key` LIKE '%45.%' THEN t1.meta_value END) division
`wp_gf_entry_meta` t1
LEFT JOIN `wp_gf_entry` t2
ON (
t1.`entry_id` = t2.`id`
t2.`form_id` = 71
AND t2.`is_read` = 1 AND t2.`status` = 'active'
AND t1.`meta_key` IN ('1.3', '1.6', '5.4', '45.1', '45.2', '45.3', '45.4', '45.5', '45.6', 'woocommerce_order_number')
GROUP BY t2.`id`
t1.`id` ASC,
t1.`entry_id` ASC
The above query gives me a column with the woocommerce order it:
| id | wcID | firstname | lastname | state | division |
| 166 | 1 | Steve | Jobs | QLD | (null) |
| 253 | 2 | Bill | Clinton | NSW | (null) |
| 427 | 3 | Maria | McOldguy | VIC | Grand Master's (65 and over) |
| 447 | 4 | Some | Bloke | NSW | Master's (60-64) |
However, I'd like to take the human factor out by adding the following to the WHERE statement
AND t1.`meta_value` IN (SELECT t3.ID FROM wp_posts t3 WHERE t3.ID = 'wcID' AND t3.`post_status` IN ('wc-processing', 'wc-completed', 'wc-free-of-charge') AND t3.`post_type` = 'shop_order' )
Results in this error message "Warning: #1292 Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'wcID'".
And I'm not quite sure how to finesse this final AND statement.
Is there a way to query the wp_posts table and ID column using the woocommerce_order_number alias wcID?
This was answered by Akina over here Database Administrators
Below is the final working sql query:
MAX(CASE WHEN t1.`meta_key` = '1.3' THEN t1.meta_value END) firstname,
MAX(CASE WHEN t1.`meta_key` = '1.6' THEN t1.meta_value END) lastname,
MAX(CASE WHEN t1.`meta_key` = '5.4' THEN t1.meta_value END) state,
MAX(CASE WHEN t1.`meta_key` LIKE '%45.%' THEN t1.meta_value END) division
FROM wp_gf_entry_meta t1
LEFT JOIN wp_gf_entry t2
ON t1.entry_id = t2.id
FROM wp_posts t3
WHERE t3.`post_status` IN ('wc-processing', 'wc-completed', 'wc-free-of-charge')
AND t3.`post_type` = 'shop_order' ) t4
ON t1.`meta_key` = 'woocommerce_order_number' AND t1.meta_value = t4.ID
WHERE t2.`form_id` = 71
AND t2.`status` = 'active'
AND t1.`meta_key` IN ('1.3', '1.6', '5.4', '45.1', '45.2', '45.3', '45.4', '45.5', '45.6', 'woocommerce_order_number')
GROUP BY t2.id