I am working on a sequencer app based on the SequencerDemo app, using AKAppleSequencer. It's been great so far, but now I need to add a new function to highlight the current bar.
Is there any delegate I can use to keep track of the bar that's currently being played? What is the proper way to handle this? Any help is much appreciated.
I ended up using AKMIDICallbackInstrument as per suggestion by @c_booth. And I added midi notes (2 beats per bar) to a separate (dedicated) track just to track the transport.
I put the following in init:
callbackInstr = AKMIDICallbackInstrument(
midiInputName: "midiCallBack",
callback: { status, noteNumber, velocity in
let statusType = AKMIDIStatus(byte: status)?.type
if(statusType == AKMIDIStatusType.noteOn){
and I'm tracking the sequencer.currentPosition.musicTimeStamp in sequencerCallback()
it seems to be working.