This is my table:
-- Table Definition ----------------------------------------------
CREATE TABLE "Friendships" (
id integer DEFAULT nextval('"Friendships_id_seq"'::regclass) PRIMARY KEY,
"createdAt" timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
"updatedAt" timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
"fromUserId" integer NOT NULL REFERENCES "Users"(id),
"toUserId" integer NOT NULL REFERENCES "Users"(id)
-- Indices -------------------------------------------------------
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "Friendships_pkey" ON "Friendships"(id int4_ops);
This is my query:
const { Client } = require('pg')
const pgClient = new Client({ user: PG_USERNAME, host: PG_HOST, database: PG_DB, password: PG_PASSWORD, port: 5432 })
name: 'fetch-friendships',
text: 'SELECT * FROM Friendships WHERE fromUserId = $1',
values: [1]
}, (err, res) => {
Error: relation "friendships" does not exist
cosmos=> \dt;
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | AuthCodes | table | pangu
public | BirthRecords | table | pangu
public | Births | table | pangu
public | Friendships | table | pangu
public | InvitationCodes | table | pangu
public | SequelizeMeta | table | pangu
public | Users | table | pangu
(7 rows)
cosmos=> SELECT * FROM Friendships;
ERROR: relation "friendships" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT * FROM Friendships;
In postgres you need use double quotes if create the table with upper cases.
Without double quotes
Friendships -> friendships
As you can see for the error:
ERROR: relation "friendships" does not exist
but you create
CREATE TABLE "Friendships" (
So you need use "Friendships"
Same goes for Tables, Field names or Function names.