When creating an Xcode Playground, the supported playgroundSharedDataDirectory does not properly show my the expected directory.
Expected: ~/Documents/Shared Playground Data
Actual: file:///var/folders/46/zg_mg07d5h5_9t6q_4vr9_2w0000gn/T/com.apple.dt.Xcode.pg/containers/com.apple.dt.playground.stub.iOS_Simulator.MyPlayground-BEF6F13E-994E-45C9-A18E-7DE953069D69/Documents/Shared%20Playground%20Data/
import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport
This also does not link to the directory. If I place a file in the correct directory, I cannot read it. If I place it in the directory, it does work, but it changes every time the playground is loaded.
Xcode 10.3, also appears in Xcode 11. This worked in 10.2
That's the path that iOS playground use. If you make a macOS playground it will have the path ~/Documents/Shared Playground Data