I have a very simple element that wrap an <input type="range">
Coming from Polymer, I am having a bit of a hard time adjusting.
I want to display the value of the range.
This is what I came up with:
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element'
class InputRange extends LitElement {
static get properties () {
return {
shownValue: {
type: String,
attribute: false
firstUpdated () {
this.shownValue = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('#native').value
render () {
return html`
<input value="10" @change=${this.updateShownValue} type="range" id="native">
<span>VALUE: ${this.shownValue}</span>
updateShownValue (e) {
this.shownValue = e.srcElement.value
// e.srcElement.value = 80
window.customElements.define('input-range', InputRange)
And then using it:
<script type="module" src="./InputRange.js"></script>
<input-range id="input-range"></input-range>
Is this the right way of doing it? lit-element's documentation states clearly During an update, only the parts of the DOM that change are re-rendered. To get the performance benefits of this model, you should design your element’s template as a pure function of its properties. But does that mean that I necessarily need to 1) set shownValue
at fistUpdated() 2) listen to the change
event for it and update shownValue
accordingly? If that is the case, am I doing it right? Or, is there a better way of doing it?
I have a glitch for it: https://glitch.com/~busy-sternum
I would do only some minor adjustments
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element'
class InputRange extends LitElement {
static get properties () {
return {
shownValue: {
type: String,
attribute: false
constructor () {
this.shownValue = 10;
render () {
return html`
<input value="${this.shownValue}" @change=${this.updateShownValue} type="range" id="native">
<span>VALUE: ${this.shownValue}</span>
updateShownValue (e) {
this.shownValue = e.srcElement.value
anotherFunction () {
this.shownValue = 80;
window.customElements.define('input-range', InputRange)