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How to fix mocking auth error in cakephp 2 and phpunit4 up?

I'm getting Static method "user" cannot be invoked on mock object even did not mock auth->user.

Im using php7, cakephp2.x and phpunit4+ According to cakephp2 documentation :
If you are using PHPUnit 4 or 5, staticExpects() does not exist anymore. Instead, you should insert the necessary data into the session with CakeSession::write('Auth.User', $user) before calling the action.

I tried using :

$user = [
  'id' => 1,
  'username' => 'mark'

CakeSession::write('Auth.User', $user);

But when calling :

$user = $this->Controller->Auth->user();

Im still getting : Static method "user" cannot be invoked on mock object error

Surely i'm missing something here but I don't know what. could you please help me the correct approach here.

Thank you


  • I'm running:

    • PHP 7.3.9
    • CakePHP 2.10.16
    • PHPUnit 5.7.27

    I solved this by mocking the Session and Auth component. I'm creating the controller in the tests setUp like this:

    App::uses('CakeSession', 'Model/Datasource');
    class MyIntegrationTestCase extends ControllerTestCase
      protected $ctrl;
      public function setUp()
        $mocks = [
          'components' => [
        $this->ctrl = $this->generate('Quotes', $mocks);
        $user = [
          'id' => 1,
          'username' => 'alistaircol',
        CakeSession::write('Auth.User', $user);

    Not 100% certain whether you need to mock Auth component in your project, but I got 302 without this. Don't know if this is something non-standard in my project.

    Also, you might need to run the test with the --stderr flag for session to work correctly.
