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How To Add,Delete,Update,Retrieve Appointment(Task) Data From Wunderlist and iOS Calender in UWP

hello friends I want to develop an application in which user can add,Update,Delete,retrieve Appointment Task from Wunderlist and iOS Calender. Do you have any idea how to implement this in UWP(Desktop Application) Thanks in advance.


  • Do you have any idea how to implement this in UWP(Desktop Application) Thanks in advance.

    For your requirement, you could refer Manage appointments UWP official document that

    Through the Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments namespace, you can create and manage appointments in a user's calendar app. Here, we'll show you how to create an appointment, add it to a calendar app, replace it in the calendar app, and remove it from the calendar app. We'll also show how to display a time span for a calendar app and create an appointment-recurrence object.

    And we also code project that you could refer directly.