[f1:abc, f2:xyz, f3:lmn, test:null, people:[[name:James, City:Atlanta], [name:Rachel, City:null]], person:[name:James, Phone:4045555555, test:null]]
[f1:abc, f2:xyz, f3:lmn, people:[[name:James, City:Atlanta], [name:Rachel]], person:[name:James, Phone:4045555555]]
I'm already half way there, I'm just stuck on removing the nulls from the List (people). Here's what I have so far:
def removeNullValues(Object map) {
map.collectEntries { k, v -> [k, v instanceof Map? removeNullValues(v) : v]}
.findAll { k, v -> v != null}
You can use polymorphism to select a different method depending on whether the item is a list, map, or other:
def input = [
woo:[1, 2, null, 3],
[name:'James', City:'Atlanta'],
[name:'Rachel', City:null]
person:[name:'James', Phone:'4045555555', test:null]
def removeNulls(other) {
def removeNulls(List list) {
list.findResults { removeNulls(it) }
def removeNulls(Map map) {
map.findAll { k, v -> v != null }.collectEntries { k, v ->
[k, removeNulls(v)]
println removeNulls(input)
Which will print:
[f1:abc, f2:xyz, f3:lmn, woo:[1, 2, 3], people:[[name:James, City:Atlanta], [name:Rachel]], person:[name:James, Phone:4045555555]]