I'm working on a service that allows users to complete and submit several forms. After each form is submitted a message is logged like:
Form submitted Form-001 with draftId (unique Id) and submissionRef (unique ref)
I want to aggregate (and count) and visualise how many of each form (based on form name Form-xxx
) is submitted.
I'm fairly new to kibana dashboards. So, all suggestions are appreciated.
I finally figured out how to achieve this. I'm posting it here for the purpose of closure and future references:
The way to do this is with a scripted field in Kibana. A scripted field can read messages and aggregate them as required. Kibana accepts scripted fields in 2 different languages: Lucene expressions and Painless.
My solution is written in painless:
def msg = doc['message.raw'].value;
if(msg != null){
int flagIndex = msg.indexOf('Form submitted');
int toIndex = msg.indexOf(' with draftId');
return msg.substring(flagIndex+14,toIndex);
return "";