I was trying to pull git branch bugfix/validator-integration-bugfix
using following command
git fetch && git checkout bugfix/validator-integration-bugfix
but I am getting following error:
akshaykhale$ git fetch && git checkout bugfix/validator-integration-bugfix
error: cannot lock ref 'refs/remotes/origin/bugfix/connection-failure-bugfix': 'refs/remotes/origin/bugfix' exists; cannot create 'refs/remotes/origin/bugfix/connection-failure-bugfix'
From https://github.com/luxio/luxio-framework
! [new branch] bugfix/connection-failure-bugfix -> origin/bugfix/connection-failure-bugfix (unable to update local ref)
error: cannot lock ref 'refs/remotes/origin/bugfix/migration-datatype-bugfix': 'refs/remotes/origin/bugfix' exists; cannot create 'refs/remotes/origin/bugfix/migration-datatype-bugfix'
! [new branch] bugfix/migration-datatype-bugfix -> origin/bugfix/migration-datatype-bugfix (unable to update local ref)
error: cannot lock ref 'refs/remotes/origin/bugfix/validator-integration-bugfix': 'refs/remotes/origin/bugfix' exists; cannot create 'refs/remotes/origin/bugfix/validator-integration-bugfix'
! [new branch] bugfix/validator-integration-bugfix -> origin/bugfix/validator-integration-bugfix (unable to update local ref)
Possible reason could be (just a guess):
I am fetching bugfix/validator-integration-bugfix
branch which is created from other branches which were not cloned on my development system.
any way to fix the issue
Thanks in advance!!!
Following worked for me:
git fetch --prune
With git prune
it pulled all the branches, I could switch to the required branch and able to push in the commits without any issues.
Thank you @MarkAdelsberger