Build pipeline fails at task 'push packages to Octopus'
Task : Push Package(s) to Octopus Description : Push your NuGet or Zip package to your Octopus Deploy Server Version : 4.0.387 Author : Octopus Deploy
65978706-f70e-4ac0-8dc7-7f61db0ce4d8 exists true Attempting to contact to find Octo command line tool version latest Checking local tool cache Found tool in cache: Octo 6.13.1 x64 Looking for E:\vsts\a_tool\Octo\6.13.1\x64*Octo.dll Prepending PATH environment variable with directory: E:\vsts\a_tool\Octo\6.13.1\x64 [command]C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /D /S /C "E:\vsts\a_tool\Octo\6.13.1\x64\Octo.cmd version"
E:\vsts\a\5833\s>dotnet "E:\vsts\a_tool\Octo\6.13.1\x64/Octo.dll" version 6.13.1 [command]C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /D /S /C "E:\vsts\a_tool\Octo\6.13.1\x64\Octo.cmd push "--server=" "--apiKey=***" "--space=Spaces-1" "--package=E:/vsts/a/5833/a/PGDQApp.2019.9.16.2.nupkg" "--overwrite-mode=OverwriteExisting""
E:\vsts\a\5833\s>dotnet "E:\vsts\a_tool\Octo\6.13.1\x64/Octo.dll" push "--server=" "--apiKey=***" "--space=Spaces-1" "--package=E:/vsts/a/5833/a/PGDQApp.2019.9.16.2.nupkg" "--overwrite-mode=OverwriteExisting" Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version 6.13.1
Detected automation environment: "AzureDevOps" Found space: Default (Spaces-1) Space name specified, process is now running in the context of space: Default Handshaking with Octopus Server: Handshake successful. Octopus version: 2019.7.13; API version: 3.0.0 Authenticated as: Neha Lahoti Pushing package: E:\vsts\a\5833\a\PGDQApp.2019.9.16.2.nupkg... Requesting signature for delta compression from the server for upload of a package with id 'PGDQApp' and version '2019.9.16.2' No package with the same ID exists on the server Falling back to pushing the complete package to the server You do not have permission to perform this action. Please contact your Octopus administrator. Missing permission: BuiltInFeedPush Exit code: -5
You do not have permission to perform this action. Please contact your Octopus administrator. Missing permission: BuiltInFeedPush Exit code: -5
Seems like you are missing permissions to push a package?
Keep in mind that in Octopus you need to have permissions to all the projects that are using that package in order to push a new version of it (as pushing a package might trigger a new deployment on specific projects)