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Long time reloading pages because weblogic triggers recompiling jsp every page acces

I use weblogic and EVERY TIME (not only the first time) I access a web page I wait for 2 minutes for it to render cause weblogic apparently recompiles all the jsps that it contains. Every page is made up of fragments using apache tiles 3.0 using definitions like these:

<definition name="includeTemplate" template="/WEB-INF/jsp/templates/includeTemplate.jsp">
  <put-attribute name="content" value="/WEB-INF/jsp/index.jsp"/>
  <put-attribute name="headContent" value=""/>
  <put-list-attribute name="dialogs">
    <add-attribute value="messageDialogDef"/>
    <add-attribute value="validationDialogDef"/>
    <add-attribute value="detailDialogDef"/>

Weblogic throws lots of these messages in its log files:

<BEA-101360> <Recompiling JSP [ServletContext@1759767545[app:app-ear_ear module:/app path:null spec-version:3.1]], resource [/WEB-INF/jsp/templates/list/menu.jsp], because it is stale.>

I also use spring (mvc) 4.3.21

Any idea what is going on and how to avoid only the useless recompilings?


  • This is a known bug. There is a patch for WLS