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AutoSizeTextTypeUniform not working on samsung

I have a simple layout containing some views. This TextView has


The autosizing is set programmatically like so..

  if (Utils.isOreoOrGreater()) {
                LinkTv.setAutoSizeTextTypeUniformWithConfiguration(1, 14, 1, TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP)

My issue is on a Samsung Galaxy S9, it will not resize the text and keeps using an ellipsis. I've tried this in XML file and programmatically. Has anyone encountered this on a Samsung??

EDIT: Upon further inspection, the TextView is having its AutoSizeTextType changed from NONE to UNIFORM but the textsize is not being adjusted.


  • For anyone having issues with autoSizeTextType on single line text views. Make sure to set android:maxLines = 1 instead of android:singleLine = true, this solved the problem for me. However I'm not sure whats happening under the hood that causes this problem.