fmt:formatDate pattern does not allow anything but a string
This is the LOC i am referring to
<%@taglib prefix="fmt" uri="" %>
<jsp:useBean id="today" class="java.util.Date" />
<fmt:formatDate var="todayString" value="${today}" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy" />
I would like to pick the pattern from the properties file. Normally when I do spring:message inside same jsp file (I am using spring boot/jsp) I can see the message. So they are configured properly. Is there a possible way for me to format my date as well as fetch the pattern from the properties file. I have tried many ways but mostly JSP throws exception.
Change fmt:formatDate pattern dynamically does not answer my question
One way is:
<fmt:message key="" var="datePattern"/>
<fmt:formatDate var="todayString" value="${today}" pattern="${datePattern}"/>
<fmt:formatDate var="todayString"
pattern="<fmt:message key=''/>"/>