I have task to export Activities including 'Descriptions' filed which contains HTML of the stored email treads. I have to export this field/column as parsed text (not HTML codes, only a real content of the mails).
Actually, when Activities listing is displayed in web, Descriptions column displays exactly what I need, but when I export it to excel, this columns displays HTML codes (and is limited to 1044 chars, so there is no any real body content).
Please, give some advice or link where I can learn how to export this field as it looks in web. Thanks.
Unfortunately, plain text email body is not stored automatically by OOB CRM. All you have is Rich text stored description field.
There are multiple different solutions to strip the HTML tags & store the plain text in a different field viz code solution, no-code configuration solution using third party like North52, etc.
If you have developers in your team, then C# Plugin would be the best bet to strip & store on creation of Email record itself.