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Macro to copy range from CSV to excel error

Can you please correct the below code where I am able to execute the first part but then getting error for the second and third part.Need to copy range from csv to excel. I am able to copy from B2:B10 from CSv to A2 in excel but C2:C10 and D2:D10 is failing.

Sub Copy_Paste()
Const csvFile = "C:pathname\filename.csv"
Dim ws As Worksheet, csv As Workbook

Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
Workbooks.Open csvFile

'Copying B2:B10 from CSV file to A2 in xl file
Set csv = ActiveWorkbook
cName = csv.Name
ws.Range("A2").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues

'Copying C2:C10 from CSV file to G2 in xl file
Set csv = ActiveWorkbook
cName = csv.Name
ws.Range("G2").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues

'Copying D2:D10 from CSV file to Y2 in xl file
Set csv = ActiveWorkbook
cName = csv.Name
ws.Range("Y2").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues

End Sub


  • when pasting just values it is quicker to simply equate the two ranges.

    Sub Copy_Paste()
    Const csvFile = "C:pathname\filename.csv"
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
    Dim csv As Workbook
    Set csv = Workbooks.Open(csvFile)
    Dim csvws As Worksheet
    Set csvws = csv.Worksheets(1)
    ws.Range("A2:C10").Value = csvws.Range("B2:D10").Value
    End Sub

    If your ranges are not congruent then use multiple lines, one for each congruent area:

    Sub Copy_Paste()
    Const csvFile = "C:pathname\filename.csv"
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2")
    Dim csv As Workbook
    Set csv = Workbooks.Open(csvFile)
    Dim csvws As Worksheet
    Set csvws = csv.Worksheets(1)
    ws.Range("A2:A10").Value = csvws.Range("B2:B10").Value
    ws.Range("B2:B10").Value = csvws.Range("C2:C10").Value
    ws.Range("C2:C10").Value = csvws.Range("D2:D10").Value
    End Sub