I have an ASP.net (c#) application, that has a portion of code that modifies a globally accessible resource (like a web.config file). When modifying the resource, naturally, to prevent race conditions only one user is allowed at a time so I need to lock the code using a monitor:
lock(Global.globallyAccessibleStaticObject) { //..modify resource //..save resource }
I was satisfied with this locking approach but then I thought, what if this isn't enough? should i use a mutex instead? I know a mutex is useful for inter-process locking (across many processes and applications), and thus slower, but given the nature of a deployed asp.net page (multiple requests at once across multiple app domains), is this necessary?
The answer it seems, would depend on how asp pages are handled on the server side. I have done research regarding the http pipeline, app domain, thread pooling etc. but i remain confused as to whether it is necessary to implore inter-process locking for my synchronization, or is intra-process locking sufficient for a web app???
Note: I don't want to get caught up in the specific task because I want this question to remain general, as it can be relevant in many (mult-threading) scenarios. Furthermore, I know there are more ways to accomplish these tasks (async handlers/pages, web services, etc) that I don't care about right now.
If your application only runs in one AppPool, then it is running in one physical w3wp.exe process, so the monitors/lock should be sufficient for guarding the shared resource. With that strategy, you only need to protect across threads running in the same process.