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Swipeable React-native-modal with nested ScrollView

I'm using the latest release of react-native-modal that implement the swipe feature

I'd like to add a ScrollView inside my modal.

Here's what i've done so far


  • I know that this question is old but since there isn't an answer I am providing a solution to this.

    The latest version of react-native-modal provides a prop propagateSwipe that allows swipe events to propagate to child components in your case to ScrollView

    <Modal propagateSwipe={true}> 
           // .... other components

    But currently in the v11.3.1 it has a small issue when you provide swipeDirection prop and it doesn't work.

    The workaround to this issue is to add TouchableOpacity component inside ScrollView. Also adding activeOpacity={1} removes opacity change animation on press.

             <TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={1}> ... </TouchableOpacity> 

    You can read more here about this issue.