Search code examples

JPQL - How can i search entities for key and value (Hibernate OGM (MongoDB) - Map<String, String>)

I use Hibernate OGM for MongoDB, and mapping simple ShopItem entity with Map:

        @NamedQuery(name = ShopItem.GET_BY_NAME,
                    query = "select items from ShopItem items where 
        @NamedQuery(name = ShopItem.GET_BY_OPTION,
                query = "select items from ShopItem items 
                        join items.options map 
                where ( KEY(map) = :optionKey and map = :optionValue )")
public class ShopItem {

    public static final String GET_BY_NAME = "ShopItem.getByName";
    public static final String GET_BY_OPTION = "ShopItem.getByOption";

    @GeneratedValue(generator = "uuid")
    @GenericGenerator(name = "uuid", strategy = "uuid2")
    private String id;

    private String name;

    @ElementCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    private Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>();

This mapped good. And I tried write JPQL named queries for my ShopItemRepository. I've searched NamedQuery by field 'name' and it works fine. But I need to search by both fields 'key' and 'value' and I can't write correct JPQL for this. For example i have entity in db:

   "description":"My description",
            "weight":"60 kg",

And i want find all entities where options have key 'age' and have value '22'.

I try to write:

select items from ShopItem items join items.options map where ( KEY(map) = :optionKey and map = :optionValue )


select items from ShopItem items join items.options map where ( KEY(map) = :optionKey and :optionValue in (VALUE(map))


select items from ShopItem items where ( KEY(items.options) = :optionKey and items.options = :optionValue )


select items from ShopItem items where ( KEY(items.options) = :optionKey and :optionValue in (VALUE(items.options))

And have this error

org/hibernate/hql/ast/origin/hql/resolve/GeneratedHQLResolver.g: node from line 1:85 no viable alternative at input '('

can't look backwards more than one token in this stream

My code in repo:

List<ShopItem> result = entityManager.createNamedQuery(ShopItem.GET_BY_OPTION, ShopItem.class)
                .setParameter("optionKey", key)
                .setParameter("optionValue", value)

Can you help me write correct JPQL query? And if this is not possible, then suggest how to do it another way.

I can't use Spring Data JPA.


  • Right now, the only way to query this case is using a native query:

        List<ShopItem> results = session
                .createNativeQuery( "{ 'options.Weight': '60 Kg' }", ShopItem.class )

    You can still declare the queries using @NamedNativeQuery (instead of @NamedQuery) but parameters aren't supported for MongoDB.