I've come across a bug where the expedient solution would be to somehow force certain values into the Date
It would include being able to do the following Dim myDate As Date = New Date(1900, 2, 29)
The 29th of February is a leap day but 1900 is not a leap year, therefore, this is not a valid date and it doesn't allow it to even be created. Is there a way you can create it with these values?
You can't force an invalid date into a System.DateTime. Have a look here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.datetime?view=netframework-4.8
Why don't you use the Date.IsLeapYear(1900) to check which date value you should set?
Here are 2 examples:
Dim myDate As Date
Dim myYear As Integer = 1900
If Date.IsLeapYear(myYear) Then
myDate = New Date(1900, 2, 28)
myDate = New Date(1900, 2, 29)
End If
Dim myDate2 As Date
Dim myYear2 As Integer = 1900
If Date.IsLeapYear(myYear2) Then
myDate2 = New Date(1900, 3, 1)
myDate2 = New Date(1900, 2, 29)
End If