I've been happily using some python to generate raw Ethernet frames and sending them out an interface of choice on Windows 7 using Python 3.5.2 with winpcapy. I've just installed Python 3.7.4 and now receive an error when trying to run the same code.
import ctypes
import winpcapy
import sys
errbuf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(winpcapy.PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE)
alldevs = ctypes.POINTER(winpcapy.pcap_if_t)()
winpcapy.pcap_findalldevs(ctypes.byref(alldevs), errbuf)
device = alldevs.contents
interfaces = []
while True:
if not device.next:
device = device.next.contents
The code snippet when run in 3.5 prints a list of the interfaces found. However if I run it in 3.7 I get:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "Z:\proj\eth\socket.py", line 5, in
<module> errbuf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(winpcapy.PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE)
AttributeError: module 'winpcapy' has no attribute 'PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE'
Now, I could replace 'PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE' with an integer value but then I get further issues which looks like there's something generally wrong with how i'm using winpcapy in 3.7. Has anyone else hit these sort of issues?
How did you obtain winpcapy
The PyPI winpcapy package is not the same as the historical winpcapy script that was on Google Code. The PyPI package exposes the libpcap
API in the winpcapy.winpcapy_types
In the original winpcapy
was a value defined in the winpcapy
module. You could import it just like in the code you provided:
import winpcapy
However, in the newer PyPI package PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE
is defined in winpcapy.winpcapy_types
. So you would need to do something like:
from winpcapy import winpcapy_types as wtypes