I am stuck with the below problem (terraform v0.12.8);
Where i am trying to use below as my module code and passing them to below resource;
module "nat_gateway" {
source = "../providers/aws/network/nat_gw/"
total_nat_gws = "${length(var.availability_zones)}"
eip_id = "${module.eip.*.eip_id}"
target_subnet_id = "${module.public_subnet.*.subnet_id}"
nat_gw_name_tag = "NAT-${var.stack_name}"
resource "aws_nat_gateway" "nat_gw" {
count = "${var.total_nat_gws}"
allocation_id = "${element("${var.eip_id}", count.index)}"
subnet_id = "${element("${var.target_subnet_id}", count.index)}"
tags = {
Name = "${var.nat_gw_name_tag}"
I expected, it would create multiple NAT gateways with the provided multiple EIP's and subnet's. But fails with below error;
Error: Incorrect attribute value type
on ../providers/aws/network/nat_gw/nat_gateway.tf line 12, in resource "aws_nat_gateway" "nat_gw":
12: allocation_id = "${element("${var.eip_id}", count.index)}"
Inappropriate value for attribute "allocation_id": string required.
Error: Incorrect attribute value type
on ../providers/aws/network/nat_gw/nat_gateway.tf line 12, in resource "aws_nat_gateway" "nat_gw":
12: allocation_id = "${element("${var.eip_id}", count.index)}"
Inappropriate value for attribute "allocation_id": string required.
Error: Incorrect attribute value type
on ../providers/aws/network/nat_gw/nat_gateway.tf line 13, in resource "aws_nat_gateway" "nat_gw":
13: subnet_id = "${element("${var.target_subnet_id}", count.index)}"
Inappropriate value for attribute "subnet_id": string required.
Error: Incorrect attribute value type
on ../providers/aws/network/nat_gw/nat_gateway.tf line 13, in resource "aws_nat_gateway" "nat_gw":
13: subnet_id = "${element("${var.target_subnet_id}", count.index)}"
Can someone please help correct me.
You're incorrectly interpolating things there with your nested braces.
Instead this should look like the following:
resource "aws_nat_gateway" "nat_gw" {
count = "${var.total_nat_gws}"
allocation_id = "${element(var.eip_id, count.index)}"
subnet_id = "${element(var.target_subnet_id, count.index)}"
tags = {
Name = "${var.nat_gw_name_tag}"
As you aren't relying on the behaviour of element
that allows looping back through list by selecting indexes that are longer than the length you can simplify this to:
resource "aws_nat_gateway" "nat_gw" {
count = "${var.total_nat_gws}"
allocation_id = "${var.eip_id[count.index]}"
subnet_id = "${var.target_subnet_id[count.index]}"
tags = {
Name = "${var.nat_gw_name_tag}"
Because you're using Terraform 0.12 you could also directly use the variables instead of using the interpolation syntax to go even further with:
resource "aws_nat_gateway" "nat_gw" {
count = var.total_nat_gws
allocation_id = var.eip_id[count.index]
subnet_id = var.target_subnet_id[count.index]
tags = {
Name = var.nat_gw_name_tag