I am attempting to turn a flat structure like the following:
let flat = vec![
Foo {
a: "abc1".to_owned(),
b: "efg1".to_owned(),
c: "yyyy".to_owned(),
d: "aaaa".to_owned(),
Foo {
a: "abc1".to_owned(),
b: "efg2".to_owned(),
c: "zzzz".to_owned(),
d: "bbbb".to_owned(),
into a nested JSON object through serde_json
that looks something like:
"abc1": {
"efg1": {
"c": "hij1",
"d": "aaaa",
"efg2": {
"c": "zzzz",
"d": "bbbb",
(The values b
are guaranteed to be unique within the array)
If I had needed only one layer, I would do something like this:
let map = flat.into_iter().map(|input| (input.a, NewType {
b: input.b,
c: input.c,
d: input.d,
})).collect::<Hashmap<String, NewType>>();
let out = serde_json::to_string(map).unwrap();
However, this doesn't seem to scale to multiple layers (i.e. (String, (String, NewType))
can't collect into Hashmap<String, Hashmap<String, NewType>>
Is there a better way than manually looping and inserting entries into the hashmaps, before turning them into json?
A map
will preserve the shape of the data. That is not what you want; the cardinality of the data has been changed after the transformation. So a mere map
won't be sufficient.
Instead, a fold
will do: you start with an empty HashMap
, and populate it as you iterate through the collection. But it is hardly any more readable than a loop in this case. I find a multimap
is quite useful here:
use multimap::MultiMap;
use std::collections::HashMap;
struct Foo {
a: String,
b: String,
c: String,
d: String,
struct NewFoo {
c: String,
d: String,
fn main() {
let flat = vec![
Foo {
a: "abc1".to_owned(),
b: "efg1".to_owned(),
c: "yyyy".to_owned(),
d: "aaaa".to_owned(),
Foo {
a: "abc1".to_owned(),
b: "efg2".to_owned(),
c: "zzzz".to_owned(),
d: "bbbb".to_owned(),
let map = flat
.map(|e| (e.a, (e.b, NewFoo { c: e.c, d: e.d })))
.collect::<MultiMap<_, _>>()
.map(|e| (e.0, e.1.into_iter().collect::<HashMap<_, _>>()))
.collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
println!("{:#?}", map);