Search code examples

Angular ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'isd_code' of null


@Input() userProfile: any;
    private formBuilder: FormBuilder,
  ) {}
ngOnInit() {
this.profile ={
gender: [this.userProfile.gender],
      first_name: [this.userProfile.first_name, Validators.required],
      last_name: [this.userProfile.last_name, Validators.required],
      isd_code: [this.userProfile.phone_number.isd_code],
      phone_number: [this.userProfile.phone_number.phone_number],

Here in userProfile the phone_number and child phone_number and isd_code are not available initially. So when I try to edit the profile page I'm getting the error

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'isd_code' of null at profileEditComponent.ngOnInit

In html I use the safe navigation operator but here I have to set the values in formbuilder otherwise the validation fails even if the value is set.

I tried to check if the property is undefined but it doesn't work this.userProfile.phone_number.isd_code != undefined.


  • Use safe navigation operator ? or ternary operator for typescript

    Try like this:

    this.userProfile?.phone_number?.isd_code != undefined

    In TS:

    isd_code: [(this.userProfile)?(this.userProfile.phone_number ? this.userProfile.phone_number.isd_code : null) : null],