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wordpress posts page canonical

Hi at the moment I have an issue with the canonicals of the posts page.

each post page got a wrong canonical

for example I haf this page:

canonical is: canonical should be:

how can I change this?

Thanks in advance


  • I think you are using some plugin, which generates a canonical URL. Most probably Yoast SEO plugin. If Yoast SEO plugin, you can use this filter:

    add_filter('wpseo_canonical' , 'change_canonical', 10,1):
    function change_canonical($url){
       if(is_home()) { // Checking if Blog listing page
         $url = ''; 
        } else if(is_page('other')) { // you can check any page, single or any condition you want
          $url = ''
      return $url;

    Let me know if it works or you are using different plugin. Hope it will help.