I want to add "default_code" field in addons/point_of_sale/static/src/xml by inheriting it in my custom_module.
But getting these erros
when Installing/Upgrading my custom module.
Here is my code :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<templates id="pos_inh" xml:space="preserve">
<t t-name="ProductRef" t-extends="Product">
<t t-jquery='.product-name' t-operation='inside'>
<span t-esc="product.default_code"/>
And here is the code where I want to add the default_code field :
<t t-name="Product">
<span class='product' t-att-data-product-id="product.id">
<div class="product-img">
<img t-att-src='image_url' />
<t t-if="!product.to_weight">
<span class="price-tag">
<t t-esc="widget.format_currency(product.price,'Product Price')"/>
<t t-if="product.to_weight">
<span class="price-tag">
<t t-esc="widget.format_currency(product.price,'Product Price')+'/'+widget.pos.units_by_id[product.uom_id[0]].name"/>
<div class="product-name">
<t t-esc="product.display_name"/>
Can you help me? Thank you very much
After some digging on odoo/Apps, I find a module that do something similare, so I just copy, paste and modify the code to do what I need. So, here is the code :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<templates id="template" xml:space="preserve">
<t t-extend="Product" name="ProductStockWidget">
<t t-jquery="div.product-name" t-operation="append">
<t t-if="product.default_code">
[<t t-esc="product.default_code"/>]
And the jquery code is :
odoo.define('pos_ref_articles', function (require) {
"use strict";
var module = require('point_of_sale.models');
var models = module.PosModel.prototype.models;
for (var i = 0; i < models.length; i++) {
var model = models[i];
if (model.model === 'product.product') {