I need to calculated data with multiple condition
MinOTHrs MaxOTHs DayType Rate
------------------------------ -----------
3 - Working_day 18
4 11 Weekend 18
11 - Weekend 36
For example if employee do OT on working_day > 3 Hrs. they will get rate 18 (MAX 18 for working_day) if employee do OT on weekend > 4 Hrs. but < 11 Hrs. they will get rate 18 if employee do OT on weekend > 11 Hrs. they will get rate 36(MAX 36 for weekend) Could you suggest me about coding and design database ? Thank you very much
I'd probably do most of the work as multiple joins between Work and OT tables. That way you can be fairly specific about the scenario you want.
Below is a nice primer for you. It's not perfect but it should get you a long way towards where I think you want to go! (IDs included are just for debugging purposes - they're not required of course).
MinOTHrs integer,
MaxOTHrs integer,
DayType varchar(max),
payRate integer
logID integer,
empID integer,
DayType varchar(max),
hoursWorked integer
insert into overTime values (3, null, 'Working_day', 18);
insert into overTime values (4, 11, 'Weekend', 18);
insert into overTime values (11, null, 'Weekend', 36);
insert into workLog values (567, 1234, 'Working_day', 2);
insert into workLog values (568, 1234, 'Working_day', 5);
insert into workLog values (569, 1234, 'Weekend', 2);
insert into workLog values (570, 1234, 'Weekend', 9);
insert into workLog values (571, 1234, 'Weekend', 14);
, wl.empID
, wl.DayType
, wl.hoursWorked
, coalesce(weekdayOverTime.MinOTHrs, weekendLowOverTime.MinOTHrs, weekendHighOverTime.MinOTHrs) as MINOTHrs
, coalesce(weekdayOverTime.MaxOTHrs, weekendLowOverTime.MaxOTHrs, weekendHighOverTime.MaxOTHrs) as MAXOTHrs
, coalesce(weekdayOverTime.payRate, weekendLowOverTime.payRate, weekendHighOverTime.payRate) as maxOTPayBracket
from workLog wl
left join overTime weekdayOverTime on wl.DayType = weekdayOverTime.dayType and wl.hoursWorked > weekdayOverTime.MinOTHrs and wl.dayType = 'Working_day'
left join overTime weekendLowOverTime on wl.DayType = weekendLowOverTime.dayType and wl.hoursWorked > weekendLowOverTime.MinOTHrs and wl.hoursWorked < weekendLowOverTime.MaxOTHrs and wl.dayType= 'Weekend'
left join overTime weekendHighOverTime on wl.DayType = weekendHighOverTime.dayType and wl.hoursWorked > weekendHighOverTime.MinOTHrs and weekendHighOverTime.MaxOTHrs is null and wl.dayType= 'Weekend'