I'm trying to color in a map with the leaflet package using data that looks as such:
| region | terrain | sales |
| 1 | 1A | 253 |
| 1 | 1B | 280 |
| 1 | 1C | 360 |
| 1 | 1D | 350 |
| 1 | 1E | 335 |
| 1 | 1F | 275 |
| 2 | 2A | 200 |
| 2 | 2B | 300 |
| 2 | 2C | 400 |
| 2 | 2D | 250 |
| 2 | 2E | 350 |
While I know how to create a color palette based off one variable, I would like to create one based on each variables "parent"
So let's say I want 1 = "Reds"
and 2 = "Blues"
but within those two "parent" colors, I then want all of the terrains within those regions to be shaded in accordance to sales?
You can use library(colourvalues)
to generate specific colours for vectors / columns of data
## using a known / reproducible data object
df <- mapdeck::capitals
## making a 'region' column to represent your data
df$region <- ifelse( tolower( substr(df$country,1,1) ) %in% letters[1:13], 1, 2 )
## a random 'sales' column
df$sales <- rnorm(n = nrow(df) )
## order the data first so we can simply `<- c()` the result
df <- df[with(df, order(region)), ]
region1 <- colour_values( x = df[ df$region == 1, "sales"], palette = "reds" )
region2 <- colour_values( x = df[ df$region == 2, "sales"], palette = "blues")
df$colours <- c(region1, region2)
leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
data = df
, color = df$colours