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How to call a function from within the same class activity in Kotlin? - How to loop CountDowntimer from its own class

What I am trying to do is restart the CountdownTimer object when it is finished. Therefor I put it inside a procedure 'goCountdown', so onFinish() it calls itself. However this gives the following problems:

  • A procedure goCountdown cannot be called from within the same class
  • B activity text cannot be updated with time from outside the MainActivity class.

See references '!!! nr !!!' in code below:

  1. the 'goCountdown() function is found (recognized/doesnt give an error) at place 1 even though the procedure is placed outside the class.
  2. when goCountdown is placed inside the class at nr 2 it is not found at place nr 1 (gives error).
  3. As it only works outside of the class, it is now impossible to update the text on the activity on every tick because the MainActivity isnt accessible.


  • Why does Kotlin / Android Studio not recognize the 'goCountdown()' function when it is placed WITHIN the same activity class?
  • Even if that will work, is there a way to acces the texts on the MainActivity from a top level procedure?

Besides my goal to make the timer loop I am trying to understand why it is not working. Thanks for explaining or pointing me to the explanation.

    class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
        override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

                boTimeRunning =  !boTimeRunning
                if(boTimeRunning ){
                    goCountdown() //!!! 1 !!! its fine to call it from here when its outside the class
            //!!! 2 !!!but if fun goCountdown() block is placed here, it is not seen at !!! 1 !!! place

    fun goCountdown(){
        object : CountDownTimer1(timeSettings_set * 1000, 1000){
            override fun onTick(p0: Long) {
                MainActivity.txtBig.text = "sometext" //!!! 3 !!!this doesnt work, also when MainActivity is declared as a variable object.
            override fun onFinish() {
                goCountdown() //primary goal: restart the timer when its done


  • Is txtBig kotlin synthetic view or a local variable or global variable?

    if txtBig is kotlin synthetic view, you should be able to call it.
    if txtBig isn't kotlin synthetic veiw, try this code.

    class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
        private lateinit var txtBigcopy: TextView
        override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
            txtBig = findViewById<TextView>( // Your id in xml
            txtBigcopy = txtBig
                boTimeRunning = !boTimeRunning
                if(boTimeRunning ){
        fun goCountdown(){
            object : CountDownTimer1(timeSettings_set * 1000, 1000){
                override fun onTick(p0: Long) {
                    txtBigcopy.text = "sometext"
                override fun onFinish() {