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Geshi syntax highlighting for the R programming language

Does Geshi support the R programming language?

This table (Geshi for MediaWiki) does not list R, so I guess the answer is no, but I just wanted to check. Is there any programming language with a similar sintax that could help highlight, at least partially, the syntax of an R script/function?



  • Edit

    rsplus was removed from the table linked to by the OP on 14 April with the commit note: Not supported by this installation.

    Not sure what that means, but Geshi has supported R in the past, though I note it is not listed on the Geshi website front page. It was added to Geshi in version (as indicated from the CHANGES file (snippet thereof):

      -  Added language files
         * AutoHotkey (Naveen Garg)
         * Awk (George Pollard)
         * GADV 4CS (Jason Curl)
         * jQuery (Rob Loach)
         * PowerBuilder (Doug Porter)
         * PureBasic (Gustavo Julio Fiorenza)
         * R / S+ (Ron Fredericks, Benilton Carvalho)

    And there is no indication it was removed at a later date.

    So it appears Geshi itself supports R, but perhaps the Mediawiki plugin doesn't yet?


    You did read the list fully, didn't you? ;-)

    It is listed in the second column under the moniker rsplus.