I have set a "Show as popover" segue between a UIView (A) and another UIView (B) (embed in a Navigation Controller) activated on a button's clic.
i am trying to pass datas back from (B) to (A) when i dismiss it (i want to keep the popover animation on both ways).
I have tried many methods i found mostly here, on Stackoverflow, but as of now i never successfully retrieved my data on (A).
I tried Delegates and protocols as well as other simpler methods. The last in date is the following one:
class SearchBarsController: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource, UISearchBarDelegate {
var testValue:String = ""
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
print(testValue) // print is empty
class SearchFilterViewController: UIViewController {
@IBAction func DismissPopoverOnClic(_ sender: Any) {
if let navController = presentingViewController as? UINavigationController {
let presenter = navController.topViewController as! SearchBarsController
presenter.testValue = "Test"
print("success") //never called
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
on (B) i'd like to set up some filter that i'd use on (A) to present search results in a tableview. But actually the testValue's value is always blank.
oky so you can do it using unwind segue here is sample project :
process :
Add this method to SearchBarsController
below viewWillAppear
@IBAction func unWindFromFilterViewController(_ sender: UIStoryboardSegue) {
Than go to Storyboard and go to SearchFilterViewController
and then cntrl + Drag from DismissPopoverOnClic
to top of the exit button then select unWindFromFilterViewController .
Than this the SearchFilterViewController
write this method for passing data
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if let destVC = segue.destination as? ViewController {
destVC.testValue = "Test"
You will get your desired data back . thanks