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"It" statement keep using regular database instead of the test database

I am doing some testing and I just want to test my endpoint. What goes in and what does out that's it.

I have a test database that I want to use when the test run.

in "BeforeAll" I connect to the test database and in my beforeach I make a post of a user. It work it's inserted in the test database

The problem is as soon as I try to make a request in a "It" statement , the database used is app one not the test database :/

beforeAll(async () => {
    await mongoose.connect(testDatabase);
afterAll(async function () {
    await mongoose.disconnect()

describe('/user', () => {
    let app;

    beforeEach(async () => {
        const moduleFixture: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
            imports: [AppModule, UserModule],

        app = moduleFixture.createNestApplication();
        await app.init();

        // this send correctly data to the TEST database
enter code here
        return request(app.getHttpServer()) 
            .set('Accept', 'application/json')
            .then(r => console.log("Result of post", r.body))

    it('GET', () => {
        // my probleme here : this retrieve the regular database content (setup in main file) NOT THE TEST database setup in beforeAll
        return request(app)
            .then(r => console.log("Result of get", r.body))

I am doing it wrong ? Thank you guys !


  • Finally my mistake was in this line :

    imports: [AppModule, UserModule],

    App module override my test's mongoose. connect with another connection established inside.